Our Mission

To be the world's leading provider of innovative software interfaces.  We create a range of end-user applications based on solid research such as Zoomable User Interfaces.

Company Profile

Windsor Interfaces, located in Chevy Chase, MD, consists of a small group of experts in user interfaces and software engineering who are dedicated to bringing applications based on the ZUI paradigm to a wide variety of platforms.

Our ZUI products are based on nearly a decade of experience designing, building, and testing zoomable interfaces at the Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Maryland.

Led by President and CEO, Ben Bederson
     Assistant Professor of Computer Science, University of Maryland
     Director, Human-Computer Interaction Lab

Windsor, Massachusetts is our place for creative inspiration - a soft wooded place for quiet thinking.

Contact Information

General Information: info@windsorinterfaces.com
Sales: sales@windsorinterfaces.com
Tech Support: support@windsorinterfaces.com
Webmaster: webmaster@windsorinterfaces.com